Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PennDOT Adds 4-year Plan Map to Web

In August, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s State Transportation Committee approved a new Transportation Improvement Program that outlines state spending on roads and bridges for the next 4 years. PennDOT Spokesperson Rich Kirkpatrick says the department decided to put all that information on the web in the form of an interactive map. Users can call up each county and see what projects are included in the 4-year plan. After clicking on the specific roadway, a link to a PFD containing project specifics pops up on the page. Several of the projects also include a link to a video clip of the section to be repaired. The plan is updated every two years and Kirkpatrick says due to the state’s tight budget, this year’s plan is 24% smaller than the plan adopted 2 years ago. "This website enhancement is part of our ongoing effort to improve communications with the public and our partners," says PennDOT Secretary Allen Biehler, "Anyone can now go online to see the details of what improvements we can afford.” The Transportation Improvement Program, which took effect Oct. 1, includes highway and bridge projects totaling $10.2 billion.

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