Monday, October 4, 2010

Pennsylvania Challenges Citizens To Go Outdoors

The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation hopes all 30,000 miles of trails will be used this month. The foundation is promoting the Great Pennsylvania Outdoor Challenge, which encourages Pennsylvanians to use the trails and parks and to engage in an active lifestyle. The challenge is also a fundraiser for the foundation. The event, in its third year, is held from September 10th to October 10th in parks and trails across Pennsylvania.

Businesses, organizations, and individuals can sign up for $25 online or call the foundation office at 717-236-7644. After registering participants receive a mileage tracker and pledge form to track their mileage. Participants can ask friends and family to sponsor them in their personal challenge to walk, bike, or paddle a set number of miles along the state’s many trails and streams.

The money raised will go to support state park and forest improvement projects. According to foundation President Marci Mowery, participants can also direct where their donation fees go. “They can go to our work, the foundation, or participants can say we want our funds to go to help build trails or put playgrounds in state parks,” Mowery says.

The event raises public awareness about the value of our public lands while encouraging Pennsylvanians to discover the more than 2.2 million acres of state forests and 120 state parks in the Commonwealth.

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