Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pittsburgh Gets Government Green Award

The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) has awarded the city of Pittsburgh a "Milestone Five" Award. ICLEI calls on local governments to commit to inventory greenhouse emissions, set realistic reduction goals, develop and implement hands-on climate action plans that yield results, and measure the impacts of their actions. The group says Pittsburgh is one of only 18 municipalities nationwide to take on those tasks at a level substantial enough to receive this recognition. ICLEI says the city achieved the Milestone 5 recognition for updating its greenhouse gas inventory. The inventory measures emissions generated by residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and solid waste processes within Pittsburgh city limits. It also teases out the impact of city government operations. ICLEI says in 2008, Pittsburgh's greenhouse gas emissions totaled 6.8 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, 3% of which came from City government operations. The group applauded the city saying, “Significant strides have been made in completing recommendations to lower emissions from local government, businesses, universities, and residents. City government has completed or made significant progress on 18 of the 23 municipal recommendations, including hiring the City's first Sustainability Coordinator, establishing a Sustainability Commission, installing bike racks in business districts, and increasing recycling in City buildings.”

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