Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities to Hold Alternative Fuel Event

Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities is taking part in Odyssey Day this year, a nationwide event to help educate people others about alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles.

Odyssey Day occurs every two years and is part of a West Virginia University program, National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium. Fleet managers, municipalities, corporations and others gather to learn about the new technologies that contribute to solving our nation’s growing energy security and environmental issues. More than 125 sites across the country will join together to further this cause.

President of Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities, Rick Price says they are part of the cause because the Western Pennsylvania area makes up a large part of vehicle fuel usage.

He says at the event, there will be a number of presentations talking about alternative transportation and technologies that would lower the use of oil-based fuels. There will be over 20 alternative fueled vehicles on display, with representatives there to answer questions. “We have natural gas, propane, flexible fuel, hybrids, electric and bio-diesel vehicles.”

Price says anyone involved or interested in alternative fuel projects should attend the event. “The idea of what Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities is about is we’re trying to reduce the amount of fuel we use here in the United States.”

The free event will be held at the West Hills Center of the Community College of Allegheny County on October 15 from 10 am to 1 pm. No prior registration is required.

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