Friday, October 1, 2010

Soldiers and Sailors To Open Century Old Time Capsule

Century old artifacts will be revealed tomorrow as the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall and Museum removes and opens its cornerstone. The time capsule opening will kick off a year-long celebration of the museums 100 year anniversary which will include a Cannon Blast Celebration on Friday October 9th.

Vice President of the Hall and Museum John McCabe says those opening the time capsule have an idea of what’s going to be included, but hopes to be surprised.

“What we expect to find we kind of know because there were newspaper articles that were printed that we have from 1908 that list the types of items that are in there,” McCabe says, “Obviously we’re hoping that maybe there are some things that aren’t reported.”

McCabe expects to find rosters of the armed services of the time, newspapers, currency from the period, and photographs of the President at the time, Teddy Roosevelt. The capsule is roughly 20 by 12 inches and stands about 12 inches high.

“It’s not very big,” McCabe says. “It’s somewhere around an oversized shoebox size.”

The capsule will be refilled and replaced with modern artifacts to be opened sometime in the future. A committee has been assembled to decide what artifacts from this area will be placed into the cornerstone before it is replaced.

The items found in the cornerstone will be on display at the museum starting Friday night for the Cannon Blast Celebration and will remain there throughout the year.

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