Saturday, October 2, 2010

Task Force Issues Snow Report

Nearly 8 months after a February storm dumped two feet of snow on the city of Pittsburgh, blocking neighborhood streets for several days, a City Council Snow Emergency Task Force has issued its report and recommendations on how to hand future snow emergencies and other "natural disasters."
Task Force Chair, Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak says the report includes 9 key recommendations including.....

--Developing streamlined emergency contracting procedures
--Investing in heavy plowing equipment for the Department of Public Works
--Implementing a GPS routing system for emergency vehicles, including snow plows
--Updating the City’s emergency operations manual, as it currently includes no written plan for snow or other weather related emergencies

Under the recommendations, city officials could ask residents not to park or even drive on key city routes.
Rudiak says she hopes this report will prompt some changes .... “Ultimately, the Mayor is responsible for making the types of operational changes recommended in the report. My hope is that this document will be taken seriously and used as a constructive step forward in bettering our city services.”

Public Works Director Robert Kaczorowski told the Post-Gazette he would issue a state of the art snow plan by early November, and he doesn't know how much experience Council members have with snow removal.

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