Thursday, November 18, 2010

1,000 Weatherization Workers Trained, 1,000 to Go

Pennsylvania is more than halfway toward its goal to help nearly 30,000 low-income homeowners improve their energy efficiency and reduce costs through the federal stimulus program.
Pennsylvania’s Weatherization Assistance Program provides energy retrofits to low-income homes and Governor Ed Rendell says the state is making great progress...

"Work that creates jobs, conserves energy and reduces costs for homeowners...Those homeowners are now saving an average of $600 each year on their energy costs. But this effort is about more than simply saving energy and money; this Recovery Act-funded initiative is boosting local economies across the state."

The Governor said more than $22.3 million has been invested so far in materials and supplies for the weatherization initiative.
The weatherization work is coordinated through the Department of Community and Economic Development, the Department of Labor & Industry coordinates all weatherization training. Individuals performing weatherization work for the program must be certified to ensure that work done on a consumer’s home is completed safely and provides the greatest possible energy savings.

More than 1,000 workers have already been trained over the last year and a new round of federal grants will help prepare 1,000 additional weatherization installers, crew chiefs and auditors across the state in the coming year. The governor said these job skills will carry well into the future.

Seven recipients will use a total of $799,000 in federal stimulus Act funds to continue providing weatherization training to students. The Community College of Allegheny County is receiving a $100,000 grant.

Prospective students should contact their PA CareerLink for enrollment information.

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