Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Discussion on Ending Homelessness is Held

A Legislative Roundtable to End Homelessness in Allegheny County was held on Monday. Legislators such as state Sen. John Pippy and City Councilman Bill Peduto spoke as well as Marc Cherna, Director of Allegheny County Department of Human Services.

Five years ago, the Department of Human Services launched a ten year plan to end homelessness in Allegheny County. Cherna said he is pleased with the way things have gone. Five years ago, 290 people were counted as unsheltered homeless in the county, now there are 119. There has been a significant increase in investment in different types of assisted living. Cherna said the most effective way of providing services is to keep them going as opposed to providing new ones. He said they are targeting children aging out of foster care and in people coming out of the jails because they are more likely to not have supports in place that would lead to them becoming homeless.

About 37 people were in attendance.

The consensus was that homelessness should be ended and there is a need for different agencies to work together.

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