Wednesday, November 3, 2010

GOP to Control General Assembly in PA

Republicans will run the show in Harrisburg next year, after capturing the governor’s office and the state House.
Republicans have won control of at least 109 state House seats, knocking off House Majority Leader Todd Eachus and 11 other Democrats, with several other races still too close to call.
The GOP now controls the House and Senate, as well as the governor’s office.
Allegheny County Republican Mike Turzai, who’s in line to become Majority Leader, says it’s a mandate for smaller government and reduced spending.

"Pennsylvania’s citizens have spoken loudly. They want fiscal responsibility. They want a climate that works with the private sector to promote family-sustaining jobs, and they want integrity in government."

Turzai says he’s looking forward to pushing for the privatization of state liquor stores, among other efforts.
One notable Republican loss: former Speaker John Perzel, who was defeated by Democrat Kevin Boyle.
The longtime incumbent was charged in the legislative corruption investigation last year, but has pleaded “not guilty.”

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