Saturday, November 27, 2010

Millersville University Launches New Way of Student Teaching

Students majoring in science education at Millersville are now being immersed in a new teaching program. The Science Professional Development School (PDS) is designed to connect an academic program with intense clinical preparation.

Dr. Oliver Dreon, Assistant Professor at Millersville University, says the program puts teachers in the same position during training rather than sending them to too many settings. "It's a year long program where our interns spend time in one single context for the whole year so they get to know the students, they get to know the school, and they get see the ebbs and flows in the school year."

While the program is only open to future science teachers Dr. Nanette Dietrich,Assistant Professor at Millersville, says that they need a reformed program more than other education students. "We know that there's a shortage of science teachers and we also know that 40% of new science teachers leave within the first few years of teaching, so we knew there was a need to better train science teachers."

The program, in its first full year, is expected to expand to include other majors in the school of education. It currently has 31 students working in Manheim Township, Conestoga Valley, Lampeter-Strasburg, Manheim Central, and the school district of Lancaster.

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