Saturday, November 27, 2010

Moon Teachers Strike to End Monday

Teachers in the Moon Area School District will end their 3 week long strike and return to their classrooms Monday. The school district and the Moon Area Education Association have decided to employ an non-traditional way of trying to resolve their contract dispute. The district and the union will use a neutral third party who is not a state-employed mediator. Neither side would identify the third party but described him as someone who does contract arbitration.
District solicitor Jack Cambest says both sides will make a proposal to the third party at an informal hearing late next month. The neutral party will then have 10 days to make a recommendation, and then the 2 sides will have decide within another 5 days to accept or reject it.
The 2 sides issued a joint statement about this effort to reach a contract agreement and to end the strike....

“The MEA (Moon Education Association) and the MASD (Moon Area School District) are willing to pursue this dispute resolution process in order to attempt
to resolve this ongoing conflict,” said Steve Palumbo, MEA President. Jack Cambest, District
Solicitor added, “Both parties are committed to resolving the contract.”

Classes will resume for all grade levels in the Moon Area School District on Monday, November

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