Monday, November 15, 2010

PA House Back In Session For 1 Voting Day

The Pennsylvania House will spend this afternoon and evening casting their final votes of the two-year legislative session.
DUQ's Capitol Reporter Scott Detrow says lawmakers may pass a measure overhauling retirement benefits for future state employees.
The pension bill increases the retirement age and lowers benefits for future state and public schools workers, but keeps a defined-benefit system in place, instead of switching over to a 401-K-like defined contribution system.
The measure passed the House with overwhelming support this summer, but two factors may lead to a different outcome today.
First, the Senate inserted language creating a new legislative fiscal office into the bill, angering House Democratic Leaders.
Secondly, Republicans won back control of the House on Election Day, and many conservatives want to pass a pension overhaul with more drastic changes than this bill contains.
Votes are also expected on measures expanding the right to self defense, changing language in Megan’s Law statutes, and altering state food safety guidelines. Neither the House nor Senate have any more voting days scheduled this month.

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