Thursday, November 11, 2010

Public Meeting on New PPS Superintendent

Education watchdog group A+ Schools is hosting a community discussion today on how to choose a new superintendent for the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

A+ Schools Executive Director Carey Harris says the meeting will ensure the public has a chance to weigh in on the selection process. Harris says the event includes speeches by national education experts, a community discussion, and a poll of what qualities the new superintendent should have.

Harris says her group hopes to submit the poll results to the School Board on Friday.

After current superintendent Mark Roosevelt recently announced his resignation effective December 31, the School Board faces the task of either choosing a new head or naming an interim leader before year's end.

Harris says in a preliminary survey, some residents disagree with Roosevelt's policies, but many support his reforms. Harris says that includes the Empowering Effective Teachers campaign, which changes the way teachers are hired, evaluated and paid.

The community meeting is set for 6-8 p.m., Thursday, November 11. You can register online at A+ Schools' website.

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