Monday, November 29, 2010

Rendell Signs E-Cycling Bill

An under the radar bill passed on the House’s final session day sets up a recycling program for electronics and now has been signed into law by Governor Ed Rendell.
The “e-cycling” bill makes electronics manufacturers develop programs like trade-ins or drop-offs for old TVs or computers.
Sponsor Chris Ross, a Chester County Republican, says right now, individuals or municipalities are shouldering the cost of getting their old computers to the right recycling venue, so many people just end up throwing the electronics away.

"And also, it has the advantage of keeping these large electronics out of the landfills, where they take up a lot of space, and when they do break down, they have the potential to release some contaminants that can be toxic to the water supply, and other ways troublesome."

Manufacturers will need to register their plans with the Department of Environmental Protection, and pay an annual five thousand dollar fee. If a company doesn’t register, they can’t sell appliances in Pennsylvania.
"They may have a mail-in program. They have drop-off points. They may use a third-party collector to get them collected and transported to the recycler. But all in all, it’s going to make it much easier for these devices to be recycled, and much more convenient for the consumer."

Ross says the plan will slowly go into effect over the next year and a half.

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