Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rendell to Teach, Write...Relearn How to Drive

Governor Ed Rendell has thought a bit more about what he’ll do after he leaves office in January.
For most of the past year, Rendell has given reporters a stock answer about his plans once he leaves office. He’ll write a book, do more teaching and continue sports broadcasting, and look for a job to “pay the bills.”
The governor now says he’ll continue serving as a co-chair of “Building America’s Future,” the coalition focused on improving infrastructure.

"And Governor Schwarzenegger, who leaves office a couple of weeks before I do, has indicated he wants to continue with that work. And, of course, Mayor Bloomberg, who not only leads us but helps fund us, he is going to continue to do that work."

Rendell also has a more personal task related to roads and highways. He says he needs to re-learn how to drive. Since he’s held one office or another for decades, the governor says it’s been about 30 years since he regularly drove a car.
Rendell says he’ll get a police presence for six months…

"And during that six months, I’ll practice. But we’ll see. It depends on a lot of things. And I wasn’t, to be honest, a great driver before, when I drove a lot. So it could be a real problem."

Rendell says he’s hoping state troopers will give him lessons next winter.

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