Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Report: 60 MPG Would Save Millions on Thanksgiving Travel

The Thanksgiving holiday weekend is traditionally the heaviest traveled of the year. While Triple A estimates nearly 1.2 million Pennsylvanians will travel at least 50 miles by car, the watch dog group PennEnvironment says millions of dollars could be saved through higher vehicle gas mileage standards.
The group's new report, "Gobbling Less Gas for Thanksgiving," indicates Pennsylvanians will spend about $15 million at the gas pump this holiday weekend, but more fuel efficient vehicles could cut that by roughly $8.3 million dollars.
Matt Ward of PennEnvironment says those estimated savings are based on cars that would average 60 miles per gallon instead of the current 26.4 MPG....
"Any kind of policy that we can have where Pennsylvanians are both saving money at the pump and having some extra money in their wallet, and at the same time where we're cleaning up our air and reducing our global warming emissions, it's really a win-win situation. So, a 60 MPG standard by 2025, I think is a great way to achieve this."

The Obama Administration recently finalized clear car standards for cars and light trucks for the model years 2012-2016, and is working on higher standards for the model years 2017-2025.
Ward says his organization is urging a 60 MPG standard by 2025 and that multiple studies have shown the technology exists today to make cars and trucks cleaner and more fuel efficient through lightweight materials, more effective engines and hybrids.

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