Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Researcher Speaks about KIPP Schools at Pitt

Philip Gleason, a senior fellow with Mathematica Policy Research spoke at the University of Pittsburgh today about KIPP Middle Schools and their impact on student achievement. He lectured at Pitt's Center on Race and Social Problems. Gleason is three years into a seven year study but says preliminary data shows that students at KIPP schools do better in math and reading than their public school counterparts. Pittsburgh does not have a KIPP charter school, but Gleason says there are things public school systems can take away from the KIPP model, including high expectations for students without regard to their race or socio-economic background or previous school history. He also says public schools could consider the longer calendar year -- KIPP has a summer session and 8-9 hour school days as well as some weekend sessions. But Gleason notes that public schools can't emulate the choice factor, where KIPP students choose to attend these charter schools and commit to rigorous academic standards and lengthy school days.

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