Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Site Allows Search for Broadband in PA

Pennsylvania is using federal stimulus dollars to launch a new website aimed at connecting individuals and companies with better broadband Internet access.
The 7.3 million dollar grant helped launch an improved online map of broadband access throughout the state.
Sue Suleski, the Pennsylvania Broadband Initiative's director, explains how it works.

"Individuals or businesses that are interested in broadband connectivity can go to this website, type in their county, their address, search, and then pull up a listing of all the providers in that area that would provide service, and the types of service that are available to them."

The site's address is broadbandinpa.com. It will eventually be part of a nationwide government-run interactive map set to launch in February.
Pennsylvania is in the midst of an effort to expand broadband access. The state recently won a nearly 30-million dollar federal grant to improve connection speeds in northern counties.

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