Monday, November 1, 2010

Toomey, Corbett in Last Day Push

Flying across Pennsylvania on the eve of Election Day, Republican Senate nominee Pat Toomey and GOP gubernatorial nominee Tom Corbett are urging their supporters to get out and vote and not to assume they are going to win.
Entering a Johnstown airplane hanger to the Pennsylvania Polka, Toomey and Corbett told Republicans their leads in the polls don’t matter, if the base doesn’t turn out tomorrow.
Corbett’s message: keep working hard.

"For the next 29 hours and 50 minutes, talk to the people. Don’t stop. Don’t be complacent. When you go out to vote tomorrow, make sure you go. Don’t say, oh I’m looking at the polls. Tom and Jim (lieutenant governor nominee Cawley) already have this locked up. Nothing is locked up."

Toomey told a group of party faithful the election isn’t over yet, the Democrats have not given up.
"They have not gone away. They’re still pushing as hard as they can. We’ve got to push as hard as we can. I feel like we’ve got a victory in reach, but it’s not yet in hand. We can be confident, but we can’t be complacent. "

Corbett and Toomey also rallied in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Erie and Pittsburgh this afternoon.
Democratic Senate nominee Joe Sestak spent the day campaigning in Philadelphia while Democratic gubernatorial nominee Dan Onorato rallied with former President Bill Clinton in McKeesport
The two will campaign with First Lady Michelle Obama tonight in Philadelphia.

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