Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Group Launches "Buy Veteran" Marketplace

Consumers looking to buy from businesses owned and operated by veterans will now be able to search for where to shop. The National Veteran-Owned Business Association, in celebration of Veterans Day, set up where consumers can look through businesses locally that are run by veterans. This comes after a 2009 poll revealing that 95% of Americans trust veterans because of raining under a strict code of ethics.

Lorenzo Buford, Chief Executive Manager of Buford Enterprises International and local veteran, says that the site helps encourage Americans give to veterans after they're home. "It's like buying back into America in a sense because every veteran has given their blood, sweat,and tears in different wars...This is the perfect situation where America can now give the veterans the respect that they deserve."

Buford also says he believes that website will help veterans make up for business lost because of the economy. He says that one of the major problems that veterans face is not being educated in finding contracting work with the government and most rely on private sector business for income.

People looking to search Veteran companies or to purchase "Buy Veteran" gear can go to Consumers can also look for the "Veteran Owned Business" badge on storefronts while out shopping.

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