Friday, December 31, 2010

Builders Association Still Says No to Sprinklers

The Pennsylvania Builders Association had hoped the Pennsylvania House would follow the Senate’s lead and delay the January implementation of mandated sprinkler systems in all new one- and two-family homes, but that didn’t happen. The industry thinks the requirement may depress an already struggling construction sector.

According to Public Affairs Director Melissa Etshied, the PBA will promote new legislation in 2011 that calls for a permanent moratorium on mandated sprinklers and a change in the makeup of the Review Advisory Council.

Etshied says the council that mandated sprinklers did not include any proponents of affordable housing, so the PBA would like to see more people who understand the ramifications of code requirements.

With hard-wired smoke detectors already required, Etshied says the significant cost of a sprinkler system should be up to the consumer.

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