Monday, December 6, 2010

Lopsided Campaign Funding Reports

A closer look at the candidates' final finance reports indicates Republican Tom Corbett outspent Democrat Dan Onorato by a nearly three to one margin in the final weeks of this year’s gubernatorial campaign.
Corbett’s expense sheet had the look of a front-runner in the race’s final days. On his way to a nine-point victory, the Republican spent 5.6 million dollars on television ads, 31-thousand dollars on air travel, and nearly 640-thousand dollars on phone calls to voters.
Corbett had a bit more than 10 million dollars at his disposal, compared to the 3.9 million dollars Onorato’s campaign had in the bank.
The Republican raised 4.8 million dollars between October 19th and the election, and spent 9.6 million.
Onorato raised just 1.9 million dollars, and spent 3.7 million.
The Department of State hasn’t yet released the line-by-line details of Onorato’s contributions and expenses – just the total numbers.
The Republican Governor’s Association was Corbett’s biggest donor during the final weeks, giving two million dollars. Philadelphia-based Comcast gave 30-thousand dollars, and Microsoft donated 10-thousand.

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