Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Money for Biodiversity

The Sprout Fund and The Pittsburgh Foundation announced $190,000 in grants for 20 biodiversity projects in the region on Tuesday. Dustin Stiver, Civic Engagement Program Manager at The Sprout Fund says the money will go to projects that enhance and preserve biodiversity throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania. He says it offers opportunities for citizens to combat environmental challenges.

Six organizations are receiving $20,000 awards and 14 awards are $5,000. They include projects to start an urban tree nursery, an heirloom seed bank, create "green" bus shelters and erradicate an acre of Japanese knotweed in Polish Hill. "They're hoping to use non-toxic cinnamon oil as opposed to some of the harsher chemicals," said Stiver.

The projects will kick off in January. They will take place throughout Allegheny County as well as the surrounding counties such as Westmoreland and Indiana counties.

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