Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sestak is on "Thank You" Tour

The election is over, but Democrat Joe Sestak is still in campaign mode.
Sestak, who didn't run for reelection to the U.S. House because of his bid for the Senate, is in the midst of a 67-county tour, which he plans to finish in January.
He insists the barnstorming is about saying "thank you" to supporters from the last election, rather than an early jump on his next campaign.
In fact, Sestak says he's "disappointed" people are only viewing his visits through the prism of another election. He says officials from both parties are only focused on campaigning and politics, rather than supporting good policies, and references a conversation he had during the Democratic primary.

"One of the leaders in the Democratic Party in Harrisburg said, it's not your turn. I think they've forgotten about people. They're so intent at times up, on which of the two parties is going to win so the other one loses?"

Sestak calls his loss to Republican Pat Toomey "a split decision."

"And the fact we came so very close was because of people who believed. And voices of reason can get through, even in a sea of anger. And so how can you not go around and say thank you?"

Sestak says he hasn't ruled another Senate run in or out, but does want to continue "some form" of public service.
But for the immediate future, he's returning to private life.

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