Friday, December 3, 2010

South Park Makeover?

Allegheny County presented designs for revitalizing South Park at a public meeting last night. Homestead-based GAI Consultants worked up three possible plans developed with input from people who use the park and work at the park.

Jeaneen Zappa is the county’s first Sustainability Manager. She says the plan calls for restoring Catfish Run to its natural state. The stream was put into a concrete channel at some point after being one of the original reasons for locating the park where it is. Other plans embody key “green” principles and make economic sense: replacing paved areas with grass and vegetation reduces storm water, is more aesthetically pleasing and park-like, and less expensive to maintain.

Work cannot begin until funds are raised, and Zappa says it will take time to attract partners and refine a strategy, but county residents can be sure the plans will not simply be shelved. She expects to have more information available to the public in the first quarter of next year.

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