Friday, January 7, 2011

CCAC and Employers Cooperate to Fill Jobs

Unemployment across the nation dropped to 9.4% in December down from 9.8% the previous month. Employers added 103,000 jobs but economists say the jobless rate dropped in part due to people giving up searching for work.
The Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) is offering programs and certifications that correlate with job openings in the Pittsburgh area. A report by the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (TRWIB) found the top occupational "clusters," which represented 50 percent of online job postings. Charles Blocksidge, executive director of the CCAC Allegheny Workforce Alliance says, "Management, Computers, Technology, Office Administrative Support and Healthcare" jobs are in demand for the future.

CCAC's Career Specialists cooperate with employers by telling them of the qualified graduates. "That's the key component: to make that linkage. If employers have opportunities and their looking for individuals with those kinds of skill sets we always tell [employers] that if you need someone with particular, specific set of skills that we're able to produce those individuals."

CCAC has 170 educational programs, not including those offered in the Dislocated Workers Program which offers those who have lost their jobs because of the economic recession the opportunity to become educated without charge.

Blocksidge says that we can match [graduates'] skill sets with job opportunities if we know where they are and what the demand is." Registration is closed for the Spring 2011 semester, but Summer Registration is in February and March.

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