Wednesday, January 26, 2011

County Jail Exceeds Overtime Budget

Allegheny County Controller Mark Patrick Flaherty says the County Jail spent $2.1 million more than it should have on overtime pay in 2008 and 2009.

Flaherty says the problem stems from an insufficient amount of officers, suggesting that the jail could actually save money by hiring new full-time and part-time employees.

Officers who abuse the Family Medical Leave Act also force their coworkers into overtime hours, says Flaherty. He says jail management should amend its FMLA policies to be stricter.

The Controller says cutting down on the number of inmates could also reduce the number of shifts and posts needed. He says to reduce the jail population, eligible inmates should be sent to alternate housing as soon as possible. Flaherty notes that individuals living in alternate housing cost the county less than those in the jail itself.

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