Thursday, January 6, 2011

Farm Show Starts Saturday

Final preparations are being made for the 95th Pennsylvania Farm Show which will be held at Harrisburg's Farm Show Complex from January 8th through the 15th.
The commonwealth's annual tradition is the largest indoor agricultural exhibition in the country. State Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding says the Farm Show spans one week, but it takes the other 51 weeks to get ready...

"It's an all-year effort. A million square feet under roof, 26 acres. In the course of the week, 500-thousand people will come through there looking at their favorite exhibit and tasting their favorite food."

Redding says the Farm Show complex has undergone a more than 4 million dollar "green" makeover ....
"We've got a solar project. We've got some energy saving measures that are inside, in terms of water, water usage, lighting."

And it will feature a new showcase for its famous butter sculpture.
"That allows us to really have a 360-degree view. It's going to be placed in a new location this year. Same hall, but sort of invert a little bit, to allow us to bring in the other agriculture commodities around it."

Redding says the agricultural exhibition will once again include a sheep-to-shawl contest, high school rodeo and a fully stocked food court
The opening ceremonies will once again include a "Parade of Agriculture".

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