Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Former Attorney General Becomes PA Governor

Republican Tom Corbett has been sworn in as Pennsylvania’s 46th governor. Corbett took the oath of office a few minutes after noon, in front of a soggy and cold crowd of supporters and legislators, and four former governors.
He promised to push for reform measures, and to shrink the size of government.

"A government that has the courage to find fiscal strength in restraint. A government that shows compassion for those most in need, and recognizes its citizens great investment. A government that must yield them a hopeful, realistic return."

Corbett acknowledged the challenges he’ll face, including a likely multi-billion dollar budget deficit this year.

"You will never hear me say impossible. To say it – or worse, to believe it – would accomplish nothing. I see the possible. I see the possible, and I see a promising future for Pennsylvania."

Corbett also vowed to improve Pennsylvania’s education system, saying school “choice” needs to be part of a solution.
At times, it was hard to hear Corbett over the din of demonstrators a few hundred yards away.
They were there to protest natural gas drilling, and the amount of money energy companies donated to Corbett’s campaign.
The governor is expected to release more details from a legislative reform package in the coming days. He’ll present his budget plan to lawmakers in early March.

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