Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Law Forces Electronics Manufacturers to Recycle

Recycling electronics will come under the responsibility of manufacturers this month. The law, signed by Pennsylvania Governor Rendell on November 23rd, requires electronics manufacturers to register with the Department of Environmental protection and pay a $5,000 fee. Manufacturers must also design plans to collect, transport and recycle electronics.

Todd Wallace, Director of the Bureau of Waste Management for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), says that the Department will be able to track where the electronics are sent, so that they are recycled properly. "Each manufacturer, whose responsible for developing a plan for recycling its electronics, would have to identify where their materials would be taken to. And that would have to be shared with the Department, so the Department would be aware of and sort of approving of the facilities to ensure they're legitimate recycling facilities."

Wallace says that manufacturers can team up to recycle as long as they recycle their market share, which is calculated by the DEP. He says that although manufacturers have not sent the DEP their plans yet, they are hoping to launch the new program this month.

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