Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Fareboxes to Introduce ConnectCards

The Port Authority of Allegheny County has resolved issues with new fareboxes being installed at Collier Township Garage and is moving ahead with a smart card system. Installation of the new fareboxes was halted because the dollar bills kept getting jammed in the machines. The new smart cards will be named ConnectCards and will fully be launched in March 2012.

Jim Richie, spokesperson for the Port Authority, says the smart card system is a break from the outdated fare collection systems they have in place now. "You'll be able to go onto your home computer, recharge your card by adding more money using your credit card;or going to a local T-station or the downtown service center and putting more money on your card there."

Richie says that all buses and light rail vehicles will be retrofitted with the new system. He also says the new fareboxes also take cash for those not using ConnectCards.

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