Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Regional Superintendent for National Park Service

There will be a new person in charge of the Flight 93 National Memorial. The National Park Service has named Keith Newlin as the new superintendent for Western Pennsylvania which includes the memorial. Newlin has served as the region's deputy superintendent since 2007 and will take over for a year beginning February 1. Newlin will also oversee the Johnstown Flood National Museum and the Fort Necessity National Battlefield.
He replaces Joanne Hanley who is leaving to head the Gettysburg Foundation which operates Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and other projects, in partnership with the Park Service. Hanley has worked with Flight 93 family members and others on the national memorial which is being built at the site where the United Airlines jetliner crashed in Somerset County as passengers fought with terrorists for control of the plane September 11, 2001.
The first phase of the memorial is to be ready for the 10th anniversary this coming September.

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