Monday, January 3, 2011

PA Dems Regroup

With the beginning of 2011, Pennsylvania Democrats might be down after November election defeats, but they insist they’re not out.
Democrats lost control of the governor’s mansion and state House, and lost the U.S. Senate seat they gained when Arlen Specter switched parties in 2009.
They also shed five Congressional seats. Now, the party is beginning its climb back.
Chairman Jim Burn says Democrats will focus on county commissioner races and other local elections this year, to build local support going into 2012.
He says they’ll keep criticizing the Corbett Administration, too.

"If we disagree with something that Gov-elect Corbett or those on his transition team are doing, we have an obligation to the Democratic Party to engage on those issues, and to respectfully point out why we think some of his decisions, and some of the things he has begun to do, will take this commonwealth in the wrong direction. We will continue to do that."

Fundraising will also be a focus for Democrats, though Burn admits it’s tougher to raise money when a party is out of power.
The fact Republicans control the redistricting process (drawing the lines for the state House and Senate districts and the Congressional districts) will make it that much more difficult for the party to rebound quickly.

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