Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rendell: Federal Stimulus Has Worked in PA

Governor Ed Rendell who leaves office in five days says the federal stimulus program has been a success in the Commonwealth. Rendell credits the state's $31 billion share with creating or saving 136,000 jobs. The outgoing governor says most of the money has now been spent on infrastructure improvements, job training, investments in green energy, tax cuts and unemployment benefits......
"There's no question in my mind that the recovery act, the stimulus has contributed to the economic recovery in Pennsylvania."
Rendell says the Commonwealth is 11th in the nation in job creation leads industrial states. He says Pennsylvania businesses saved $2.2 billion through tax incentives that encourage investment and job creation....
"In addition to the short-term benefits of the Recovery Act, the federal government's investment in infrastructure and energy will provide lasting benefits that will generate future economic growth and improve the quality of life of our citizens."
Rendell says he knows it's not popular to say the stimulus has worked, but he's convinced that it has.

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