Monday, January 24, 2011

Wine Kiosks Start Trial Run

Five self-serve wine kiosks went back online this week after thirty kiosks were shut down. The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (LCB) closed the kiosks after they started experiencing mechanical trouble before the holidays.

Stacy Kriedeman, spokeswoman for the LCB, says that the kiosks were not operating up to standards. "There were some systemic problems. Mostly they had to do with people not getting the product that they paid for. And that may have been because the turn style didn't turn, or the door didn't lock, perhaps the screen froze up, but most of the issues that we saw had to do with people not getting the bottle that they paid for."

Kriedman says that there are currently three operating kiosks in the Pittsburgh area and two in the Philadelphia area. The remaining machines might go online in the next few weeks.

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