Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Year after the Haitian Earthquake

The destruction wrought by the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010 created almost unimaginable deprivation where unmet human needs were already legion. The Brothers Brother Foundation based in Pittsburgh gave this update, a year later.

President Luke Hingson says it will be a long time before all the hospitals and schools are rebuilt—and homes for the half million people still living in tents. Hingson says one reason Haiti was poor even before the earthquake is that things didn't work well there, and then the earthquake destroyed what the country did have.

Brothers Brother has resumed its regular supply of medical donations and is helping to rebuild three schools near the capital Port au Prince, which will serve about 1500 students within three to six months. It’s also helping to repair a hospital and nursing school in Leogane.

Hingson says the Pittsburgh community’s contribution to Haitian earthquake relief could be as much as ten million dollars.

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