Friday, February 18, 2011

A Candidates' Guide to Allegheny County

Allegheny Institute, the conservative Mt. Lebanon based think tank, has released a candidates' guide to issues facing the county. Democratic County Executive Dan Onorato recently announced that he would not seek a third term and since then a number of contenders announced or indicated that they will run for the office. AI Senior Policy Analyst Eric Montarti says the guide touches on the Institute's perspective on a range of issues, from funding the Port Authority, to revisiting the home charter rule, to the best use of Pittsburgh International airport and property reassessment. He says "our guide would be somewhere where a prospective candidate could look at, think about some of the issues -- maybe think about an issue a little bit differently than they may have and then hopefully go for some plan of action from there." On the democratic side County Controller Mark Patrick Flaherty and County Council President Rich Fitzgerald have joined the race for County Executive. On the conservative end, Tea Party activist Patti Weaver and County Councilman Chuck McCullough formally announced their candidacy last week, businessman and Mt. Lebanon Commissioner D. Raja stepped into the race yesterday. A Candidates' Guide to Crucial Issues Facing Allegheny County can be found at

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