Thursday, February 10, 2011

Corbett Defends Low Profile

A press conference this week was Governor Tom Corbett’s only public event since taking office in mid-January. The governor says he’s occupied sorting out next year’s budget.
Corbett held just one press conference between Election Day and his inauguration.
Aside from an open house at the governor’s mansion, the press conference was his only appearance since taking office.
Corbett defends his low profile.

"You should know my style by now. It’s been, when I have something to announce to you we will come out and announce it. I think any time an executive comes into a new job, you ought to take a look and see what’s there first and get to know it. Try to get to know it as much as you can."

Corbett says he’s busy studying budget line items.

"It’s a very difficult period of time. Depending on which numbers you look at, it’s anywhere between 3.9 and 4.4, 4.5 billion dollar hole that we’re going to be working on."

Corbett delivers his budget address March 8th.
He also has more cabinet and staff positions to fill.
It’s a sharp contrast from Governor Rendell, who was holding two press conferences a day during his final week in office.

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