Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Corbett Hopeful for Quick Confirmation

Governor Tom Corbett has tapped an Assistant United States Attorney from Allegheny County to replace him as Attorney General for Pennsylvania.
Corbett has known Linda Kelly since 1976, when they served together as assistant district attorneys.
Kelly graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University School of Law, and has been at the US Attorney’s office since 1980.

"I have, I would say, extensive trial experience, where I’ve tried cases from the most mundane to the most serious. So my experience runs from someone being in the trenches."

Corbett says he’s confident Kelly’s confirmation won’t drag out for months, like his did when he was appointed to fill out an A-G term in 1995.

"I’ve had good conversations with Senator Scarnati, Senator Pileggi and Senator Costa. Talked with them yesterday about who I was nominating. And I would hope that we’d be able to move this along as swiftly as possible."

Kelly will need the support of 2/3 of the Senate. Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi says she’s “eminently qualified” to serve as A-G.
Following custom, Kelly is promising not to run for reelection. She’d be Pennsylvania’s first female attorney general since 1961.
Among her responsibilities would be continuing the high-profile investigation of state lawmakers Corbett began in 2007.

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