Thursday, March 3, 2011

Johnstown Flood Museum Potential Makeover

The Johnstown Flood Museum is up for a renovation, but first administrators are looking for help from the local community and tourists. A public meeting is scheduled for March 4th at the museum, on Washington and Walnut Streets to discuss changes. The museum was originally built as a library after the 1889 flood with funding from Andrew Carnegie, but became the Flood Museum in 1973.

Richard Burkert, President of the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, says that there is so much that can be done to update the museum. "There's a lot of things that we couldn't do back twenty years ago that we might want to consider this time around, one of which is 3-D."

Burkert says that renovations are not only aimed at exhibits but also the museum's structure. He says the building system need to be replaced and there is discussion over whether the museum should be eco-friendly.

The museum has had more then 750,000 visitors since opening its doors. Anyone interested in attending the meeting is urged, but not obligated, to contact Gwen Hartnett by phone at 814-539-1889 ext. 301 or email at

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