Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Promise Scholarships Going Up

The Board of Directors of The Pittsburgh Promise has approved doubling the potential dollar amount of scholarships from the current maximum of $20,000 per student over 4 years to a maximum of $40,000 beginning with the class of 2012.
Promise Executive Director Saleem Ghubril says they committed four years ago to the doubling of the maximum amount...
"We stipulated that the additional 20 thousand would be given to those who provide evidence of...this if the language of the agreement...'mastery of subject matter.' So, we're ready now to say alright folks show us the proof of mastery."

To qualify for the first $20,000, the student must be a resident of Pittsburgh, graduate a city high school with at least a 2.5GPA and have a 90% attendance record.
To receive the second $20,000, the student must score "advanced" on the PSSA reading, math and writing tests. Ghubril says if they don't score "advanced," the students can still qualify for the addition scholarship money by scoring 600's on their SAT's in reading, math and writing.

Ghubril says in the first 3 years of The Pittsburgh Promise, they've given scholarships to more than 2,400 students who are "performing at (delightfully) high levels."

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