Thursday, February 17, 2011

Urban Pathways Charter Okayed

The Pittsburgh Board of Education voted last night to approve 1 of 4 applications to operate charter schools in the city of Pittsburgh. Board members gave "qualified approval" to the Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School. That "qualified approval" means that it will be re-evaluated before the start of the school year. The district is requesting that Urban Pathways produce a professional development plan that provides on-going training on implementation of the school's core knowledge curriculum. Urban Pathways already operates a 6-12 charter school.
“The District supports quality options for families that spur student achievement,” said Superintendent Linda Lane.

The Board rejected charter applications for Propel Charter School – Northside, Three Rivers Charter School for Public Service and Leadership Academy for Math and Science Charter.
The Board did acknowledge the success of existing charter schools operated by Propel in other locations but the Charter Review Team did not recommend approval saying this application lacked a comprehensive curriculum for all grade levels and comprehensive long range goals for students.

The Board voted against the Three Rivers Charter School for Public Service application saying it failed to provide a complete curriculum plan and didn't provide parents with choices that aren't already offered by the school district.

According to the review team, the Leadership Academy for Math and Science Charter School application lacked current community support and a proposed location.
The rejected applicants can appeal the decision.

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