Thursday, March 17, 2011

Carnegie Library Holds Meeting on Hilltop Library

Residents of Carrick and Knoxville are invited to attend a meeting about a proposed Carnegie Library location in Pittsburgh's Hilltop. The Carnegie Library Board of Trustees decided about a year ago to merge the current Carrick and Knoxville libraries into a single building.

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh spokeswoman Suzanne Thinnes says that they have gone into the community over the past year to ask people what they expect for library services. "We've had meetings both in the Carrick community and Knoxville community. And then, we've also sponsored a bus tour that went to several of our renovated and new locations within the City of Pittsburgh so residents can really see what the new libraries look like and what features will be available for them. "

Thinnes says that the Carrick and Knoxville locations were chosen for the merger because of their close proximity to one another. She says they originally asked the communities about moving one branch's resources to another's location, but they decided against it after both communities expressed that they wanted a new library between them.

The meeting will take place Saturday, March 19th at 10 a.m. at the Temple Baptist Church on Brownsville Road.

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