Friday, April 15, 2011

Downtown Partnership Hires New CEO

The Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership has gone out of town for its new leader. Jeremy Waldrup will take over the post of CEO for the Partnership next month. He comes to the PDP from New York City where he was the Deputy Director of the city’s Business Development Division. PDP Board Chair Richard Beynon says that means he has the experience needed to do the job. “He was the liaison between the city and over 64 business improvement districts in New York City. He served on eight boards so we believe his level of expertise will be instrumental in helping the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership.”

Beynon says the board will give Waldrup time to get his feet under him before throwing him fully into the job. “It will take a little bit of development to have Jeremy [Waldrup] understand Pittsburgh and the players here, but … I think he will be a very quick learner and a very fast start.”

Waldrup will have to be able to both lead and follow. Beynon says Waldrup will have to listen to the board, the business owners he serves and city leaders while at the same time building a vision for the Partnership and the entire Golden Triangle.

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