Friday, April 29, 2011

Gun Ownership in Homes Reaches All-Time Low

Fewer than one out of every three homes in the United States has a gun according to recently released data from the General Social Survey (GSS). Violence Policy Center Executive Director Josh Sugarman says this could be due to a shift in demographics.

"As America's gun owning population is aging and dying off, they're not being replaced. You have young people who aren't picking up guns like they're parents did and more and more Americans are choosing to live in gun-free homes."

With the National Rifle Association coming to Pittsburgh this week, Sugarmann was passionate about his views against having a gun in the home.

"Here's the reality: it increases the likelihood of death and injury to you or a member of your family."

The survey found household gun ownership has reached the all-time low since it peaked in 1977. At that time 54 percent of American households reported having guns. By 2010, it had dropped to 33.2 percent.

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