Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lawmakers Deal With Sick Puppies

The State Senate might vote on a bill closing loopholes in Pennsylvania’s “puppy lemon law” when it returns to Harrisburg next week.
The 1997 law lets consumers recoup costs from breeders who sell them sick or disabled puppies.
The new measure lengthens the window dog owners have to get a veterinarian’s certification of a condition or illness.
Sponsor Stewart Greenleaf, a Montgomery County Republican, says his measure makes the law more effective....

Stewart says it also expands the scope of problems people can get reimbursements and refunds for.
"Because the one condition in regard to the buyer certification, they only had a few days to do an awful lot, and it just wasn’t feasible. It also changes some definitions, to make the puppy laws apply to both incurable as well as curable diseases. Because some of the diseases – obviously, the family wants to keep the dog. And they want to have the dog treated so they can continue to have the dog and have the dog lead a very healthy life."

Stewart says the legislation can help Pennsylvania get over its reputation as the country’s “puppy mill capital.”

"We need to show the nation that Pennsylvania does care about the consumers, and does care about the way that we breed and sell dogs in Pennsylvania."

The bill cleared a Senate committee earlier this month, and is now in front of the full chamber.
The Attorney General’s Office and the Humane Society both support it, according to Senate Republicans.

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