Monday, April 4, 2011

Memorial Unveiled

On Monday, April 4th, a memorial was unveiled in Bloomfield for Stephen Mayhle, Eric Kelly and Paul Sciullo, three Pittsburgh police officers who were killed while responding to a call in Stanton Heights in 2009.

The memorial is in front of St. Joseph's Church on Liberty Avenue. Designed by artist James Simon, it consists of a glass circle with the date 4/4/09 and the officer's names. There is also a statue of St. Michael and photos of the officers on tiles placed at the base.

The unveiling followed a mass and a ceremony attended by a crowd of about a hundred.

"We never thought we would get this to come to fruition in 2 years but the outpouring of love in this community and the communities around is have all been incredible and we raised over the amount that we needed for the development of this permanent memorial," said Father John Dinello of St. Joseph's Church.

The memorial was made possible through donations totaling over $20,000 from the greater Pittsburgh community.

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