Friday, April 1, 2011

NASA Wants Pittsburgh's Opinion

The Pittsburgh community could change what new space-related discoveries are made in the next ten years. On Monday, April 4, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is inviting the public to give feedback on what kind of projects they think are interesting, what kind of focus they would like to see in future programs, and what they want their money spent on.

John Radzilowicz, Director of Science and Education at the Science Center says it doesn't take a rocket scientist to attend.

"They don't have to come with any preparation other than curiosity and the desire to tell us what they think."

It wouldn't hurt to do some research though. Radzilowicz explains what will happen at the forum.

"Basically we will play the role of communicating what NASA is thinking about , what the National Research Council is thinking about, and try to solicit back responses from the public."

What NASA is thinking about is based on a survey released every ten years called the "Planetary Science Decadal Survey." The report gathers various planetary scientists' opinions on the focus of research and projects, and now, NASA is asking for public opinion as well.

Radzilowicz says that he has never seen NASA do anything like this, so it's a unique and exciting opportunity. The presentation will be held at Cafe Scientifique, or Cafe Sci located at One Allegheny Avenue. Doors will open 6:00 p.m. and online registration is highly recommended.

To RSVP or get more information visit

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