Saturday, April 30, 2011

No Talks Over Transit Cuts

The president of Local 85 of the Amalgamated Transit Union went before the Port Authority Board to urge them to resume negotiations over contract concessions so that service that was cut by 15% a month ago can be restored.
Pat McMahon says there have been no contract talks since Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato left a meeting 4 weeks ago. During the public comment period at the PAT Board meeting, McMahon told board members they should either resume negotiations or resign.
It was Onorato who rejected an offer of $18.5 million in temporary concessions by the union, not the PAT Board. At the time, Onorato said he became involved because the PAT Board had already made its decision about service cuts. Onorato said the concessions offer did not address the legacy costs of health care and pensions for retired PAT workers.
PAT CEO Steve Bland said at the end of yesterday's board meeting that they gave the union information about health care costs 2 weeks ago, but have not received a reply.

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