Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pittsburgh Music Groups Collaborate

Five organizations, Bach Choir of Pittsburgh, Chatham Baroque, Pittsburgh Camerata, Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society, and Renaissance and Baroque have launched the Pittsburgh Music Alliance to expand audiences, raise awareness and celebrate the broad range of music performed by their groups. At the final concerts of their 2010-2011 seasons, the five will promote one another’s 2011-2012 seasons to current audiences.

The Pittsburgh Music Alliance will be jointly administered by the five participating organizations.

“The goal is to serve our audiences,” said Matt Dooley, the Managing Director of Bach Choir. “We want people to know about the remarkable opportunities that they have here in Pittsburgh. Each of these organizations possesses substantial histories of presenting exceptional music, and we want people to know about that.”

The programming of the five groups spans 500 years and ranges from large choral pieces to intimate chamber music.
“We are committed to music, first and foremost,” said Gail Luley, Managing Director of both the Pittsburgh Camerata and Renaissance and Baroque. “Each of us has a deeply held mission to offer great music performances, and yet we span many forms – from Renaissance music played on period instruments to innovative approaches for repertoire standards. We want to make sure that Pittsburgh has these opportunities and that people are aware of the great things that are already happening.”

The creation of the PMA was made possible by a grant from the Allegheny Regional Asset District (ARAD) from its Connections program which promotes cooperation and collaboration between nonprofit organizations.
Each of the five will continue to select programs independently, and administer them independently.

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